Faith Journey

Sacraments of Holy Baptism

The sacrament of Holy Baptism is one of only two sacraments celebrated in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

In the sacrament of holy baptism we believe that the triune God delivers us from the forces of evil, puts our sinful self to death, gives us new birth, adopts us as children and makes us members of the body of Christ, the church. Here at St. John Lutheran Church, we celebrate God's gift of baptism is the midst of Sunday worship as a sign that we are made one with Christ and with the whole people of God. On behalf of the whole church, we promise support to new sisters and brothers, confess the Christian faith with them and welcome them into the body of Christ.

Preparation for Holy Baptism includes a planning session with the pastor, parents and sponsors to review the service of Holy Baptism and to discuss its significance.  Adults interested in Holy Baptism can contact Pastor Jim at 262.377.0410.

Sacrament of Holy Communion

This sacrament is offered each Sunday at St. John Grafton at the 9:30 a.m. worship service and at other special worship celebrations; Christmas and Easter, Maundy Thursday, etc.   

Communion, one of only two sacraments of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is offered to all baptized believers, regardless of denomination or church membership, who recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and believe in the forgiveness of sins and the "real presence" of Christ in this Holy meal.  St. John communes all who are of the age of discretion, meaning 10 years old or 5th grade or above who have in some way been instructed in the meaning of communion. 

Communion Procedure at St. John

Procedure is to come forward up the center aisle as directed by the ushers and kneel or stand to receive the sacrament.  To receive a communion wafer from the pastor, hold out one or both hands. Wine is served in one of three ways:

  1. Drink from the large chalice offered by a communion server.
  2. Take a small empty cup from the communion tray before kneeling at the altar and the communion server will fill it with wine.
  3. If grape juice is preferred, take a small pre-filled cup from the communion tray and drink it after the communion server blesses the cup.

 If you have difficulty walking forward to commune, let an usher know, and the pastor and a server will bring communion to you in the pew. 



A marriage commitment, while not a sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is, however, for many the most important commitment/promise that couples make to one another.

Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and mutual strength of those who enter it and for the well-being of the whole human family. God created and blessed humankind with the gifts of companionship, the capacity to love, and the care and nurture of children. Jesus affirmed the covenant of marriage and revealed God's own self-giving love on the cross. The Holy Spirit helps those who are united in marriage to be living signs of God's grace, love and faithfulness.

We, at St. John Lutheran Church believe, as God's church on earth, that the marriage relationship matters a great deal.  Couples desiring to make marriage vows within the church setting, need to understand the importance of promising themselves to each other in the presence of God and the congregation of people. 

A couple is encouraged to contact the pastor a year or more in advance, if possible, to secure the wedding date on the church calendar and arrange to meet with the pastor for pre-marital planning and counseling. 


At a person's death, the church shares the grief of those who mourn and remembers the brevity of life on earth. At the funeral we give voice to our sorrow, thank God for our loved one, and entrust this companion of ours into the hands of God. Trusting in God's promise in Baptism that we are claimed by Christ forever, we rest in the sure hope of the resurrection. When the church gathers to mark the end of life, we proclaim Christ crucified and risen, we find strength, mutual consolation and hope in the midst of grief.

Contact the church office at 262.377.0410 as soon as possible following the death of a loved one. The pastor will schedule an appointment to meet with the family to discuss the date and time of the funeral or memorial service along with arrangements. St. John facility can be used for the visitation, funeral service and post-service gathering.

St. John Lutheran Church serves and supports people in all stages of life. Please contact us at 262.377.0410 with any questions, for more information or to schedule an appointment with the pastor.